Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Habemus Papam!!

Today was a glorious day! Our next Vicar of Christ was revealed to the world. The emptiness that has been a part of me since Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation was filled with joy and hope at the announcement that we have a new pope. That emptiness was made more tangible at each Mass with the void during the Eucharist Prayer when the name of our Shepherd was to be mentioned. I can’t wait for Mass tomorrow morning and to hear, “Remember, Lord, your Church throughout the world, and bring Her to the fullness of charity with Francis our Pope…”

We have a Pope! There was so much excitement in the crowd when the white smoke began to billow out from the Sistine Chapel chimney and the bells in St. Peter’s Basilica began to ring. Flags from many countries were being waved and there were so many young people, seminarians and religious in the crowd. The crowd grew larger and larger as the people of Rome poured out of their homes, filling the streets and St. Peter’s square.

A time for new beginnings! With the election of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina as our new pope, there are many firsts. He is our first non-European pope, our first Latin American pope, our first pope from Argentina, our first Jesuit pope and our first Pope Francis. So much of the secular world spoke about how the Catholic Church needs a pope that will revolutionize the church and bring Her into the 21st century. But those of us who understand that the Truth does not change no matter how much the world changes knew that would not be the case; at least not according to their definition of a revolution. What the Church needs and what the Holy Spirit gave us was a man who is firmly grounded in the Truth. A man who lives out the gospel each and every day. A man who isn’t afraid to slay the demons of our world. Just as Christ did, Pope Francis isn’t afraid to name the demon what it truly is and then drive it out. The Church will always guard the sanctity of life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death. It will always protect the sanctity of marriage between a woman and a man and the sacredness of the family. The Church needs a humble, holy man of God to lead us, and we have been given that today. A humble man who stopped to pray before the Blessed Sacrament before being presented to the world, and who prayed for Pope Emeritus Benedict and asked the people to pray for him as he begins this journey. Pope Francis is God’s gift to His church and to that we say, AMEN!

“I cannot do anything on my own; I judge as I hear, and my judgment is just because I do not seek my own will but the will of the one who sent me.” (John 5:30) 

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