Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Spirit of Truth

 “Jesus said to his disciples: ‘I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth.’” (John 16:12-13)

We are unable to bear the fullness of truth here on earth. The Holy Spirit has been sent to guide us to all truth. It is our journey, we are sojourners. This is our story, our love story with a God who loves us beyond our wildest imagination. Our minds can only take in so much at one time. Whether it is good news or terrible news, we can only bear so much.

At work when we meet with a family for the first time and tell them that their child has cancer they quickly get to the point where they can bear no more. Their minds go numb and they don’t hear what else we have to say. We have to find that balance of getting done what needs to be done so we can make the final diagnosis and start the treatment and moving at a pace where they can begin to understand it all. The news often knocks them to their knees, takes their breath away. But the Holy Spirit steps in and guides us. He comforts the family and leads them on this unimaginable journey on which they will embark and all the while pouring God’s love upon them. And he guides those of us who care for the sick, filling us with wisdom and compassion and renewing our spirit so we can continue to do His work.

The Holy Spirit was sent to keep our hearts and minds rooted in Christ. He was sent to reveal to us the Truth of our loving God who does not will for us to suffer but wills for our redemption. But God knew that we would suffer because we live in a broken world. God is goodness and love itself and he so loved us that he sent his only Son that we might have life, God’s life, the life for which we are called to live. God is always near, for it is “in him we live and move and have our being.” (Acts 17:28) So when life becomes more than we can bear, remember that Christ knew that would be the case and he provided a means for us to endure even when life seems unbearable. Let us be open to the God who loves us beyond our comprehension and allow the Spirit of Truth to  guide us on our journey. 

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