Friday, November 15, 2013

Soar in His Love

 I found these words, Soar in His Love, on a little silver pocket stone and thought it was so beautiful. I immediately began to smile as the message resonated in my heart. To soar in His love, what does that mean? To soar puts you above all the things of this world. Looking down on them puts everything in a different perspective. Sometimes we are so caught up in something that we lose all perspective whether it is something pleasurable that gets too strong of a pull on our heart and we allow it to become our focus or maybe it is something that is painful and it causes us to lose hope. To soar in His love means to let go of everything and allow God’s love to carry us to new heights where we can begin to see with new eyes; to see with the eyes of Christ. Our pain is replaced with hope, hope for complete healing. 

We have a parent at the hospital who recently buried her son but rather than allowing her grief to draw her into herself she is reaching out to others. She is reaching out to other families who are dealing with their child’s cancer. Her heart hurts and she misses her son every moment of every day but she knows that her son is soaring with the angels in His perfect love. And she is allowing His love to carry her, too. To soar in His love allows us to be free of anything that weighs us down. But in order to soar we have to let go of everything. By letting go we let God be God. It shows that we trust in Him; we trust that He will take us to places we can never go on our own. We trust that He will never let us fall but carry us with His love.

As I was meditating on these words the image of the scales falling off of Saul’s eyes came to mind. “So Ananias went and entered the house; laying his hands on him, he said, ‘Saul, my brother, the Lord has sent me, Jesus who appeared to you on the way by which you came, that you may regain your sight and be filled with the holy Spirit.’ Immediately things like scales fell from his eyes and he regained his sight.”  (Acts 9:17-18) As we begin to soar, going higher and higher, our “scales” fall off, everything useless falls away and we can rest on the wings of love.  

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