Monday, November 19, 2012

Help Me to See

“’What do you want me to do for you?’ He replied, ‘Lord, please let me see.” (Luke 18:41)

Open my eyes, Lord, help me to see. Just as the blind man in today’s gospel shouts out, “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me!” (Luke 18:38) I too cry out, have pity on me! Lord, open not only my eyes but also my heart. Help me to know you are near. Help me to be at peace and to cherish each moment. You are with me in each moment and you use everything for good. You are with me even as I search for love and peace in places and people that will never love me as you love me. They can never match your goodness and glory.

 “God himself is eyes to those who become blind to see him, and he directs them so as not to go astray, or rather it is more accurate to say that God takes them where they would not know how to go even if they could see. As the Lord says through Isais: ‘I will bring forth the blind by a road unknown to them and make them walk in paths they did not know; I will light the shadows before them’.” (Fr. Francisco De Osuna, O.F.M)

Even in our blindness you are there leading us in ways we can never imagine. My ways are often not your ways. You are all-knowing and you want to guide me along your path. But my loneliness often keeps me in darkness, it drives me to seek love and I think it is your love that I have found but often it isn’t and it causes me heartache. Open my eyes Lord to see you in all the beauty that you surround me with. Help me to be present to you, to quiet my anxious heart and to bask in your glory. 

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