Sunday, December 16, 2012


Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice! This is what the priest sang during his homily today. Gaudete Sunday is a time for rejoicing. We are drawing closer to Christmas and our hearts are full of anticipation. Reflecting on God’s love for us brings joy to our hearts, not joy that is a fleeting emotion connected with an event that is happening in our life. “True joy is linked to our relationship with God. Those who have encountered Christ in their own lives feel a serenity and joy in their hearts that no one and no situation can take from them. True joy is a gift, born from the encounter with the living Person of Jesus.”  ~ Pope Benedict XVI

A good friend’s mother is dying of cancer. I spoke with her last week about how her mother’s cancer is progressing rapidly and no treatments are working. We prayed that she would be well enough to enjoy this last Christmas with her family but things took a turn for the worse early this morning. She was hospitalized with a complication that is life-threatening. My heart is hurting for my dear friend, her mother and her family. My heart is also hurting because it brings back memories of my mother’s death from cancer. The holidays are hard for my family and I remember the last Christmas we had with my mom. Her cancer was still in check but I think she knew that it would be our last Christmas together. 

Yet, even in our sadness, there is joy in knowing that she is with our King. There is joy in knowing that God was with her as she passed from this life to eternal life. There is joy in knowing that God has walked with us as we dealt with her death and continues to walk with us in our grief. There is joy in knowing that I have the strength to walk with my friend through this terrible time in her life because God is with us. God gives us the courage to face these difficult times instead of falling into despair. His love doesn’t prevent our hearts from breaking or prevent us from experiencing tragedy but it does allow us to remain hopeful and to always rejoice in the Lord, again I say rejoice!

“Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.”  (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

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