Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Mary’s Assumption

Today is the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I still wish that I had a deep relationship with Mary like many of my friends do. They speak about their devotion to our Blessed Mother. The desire to call upon her or to pray to her has never been a part of me. They were never a part of my upbringing and maybe that has something to do with it. She has always seemed to be beyond my grasp. How can I connect with a sinless virgin especially when sins of the flesh are the ones I have struggled with most of my life? But today I thought about her more in terms of a connection with my mother.

My mother dealt with the death of two of her sons. She held her dead son in her arms just as Mary did after they took Jesus down from the cross. Her son ascended into heaven and she was left here on earth without him. She knew that her son was in heaven and she would see him again one day but I can’t help but believe that she also felt sorrow at times because he was no longer here on earth with her. My mother also knew that she would see her sons again in heaven but she grieved their deaths, we all did, and miss them dearly. So, I am sure, that on the day that Mary was assumed into heaven there was much rejoicing in heaven as she was reunited with her son!

When my mom was near death she was struggling so much to breath. Every breathe was a long, tortuous, gurgling gasp and she cried out in pain whenever we touched her, even with the gentlest touch. We kept telling her it was ok to go, that she would be with Kevin and Mitchell again and there would be much rejoicing in heaven as they were reunited. And now we are the ones left here on earth. Even though we know that our loved ones are in a much better place we are, at times, filled with sorrow and wish we had a little more time to be with them and let them know how much we love them. Blessed Mother, touch my heart, increase my desire to know you and to receive the grace you bestow on all those who call upon you.

St. Maximilian Kolbe tells us that Mary is, “the Mediatrix of all grace. All that is required is that we really accept her and keep always closer to her; that we love her always more ardently in every temptation, difficulty, or trouble, acknowledging her power, her universal mediation next to God, and that we turn to her with total confidence. Then we too shall be capable of everything, but in him who gives us the strength through the Immaculate.” 

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