Wednesday, September 5, 2012

He Must Go

“At daybreak, Jesus left and went to a deserted place. The crowds went looking for him, and when they came to him they tried to prevent him from leaving them. But he said to them, ‘To the other towns also I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God, because for this purpose I have been sent.’”  (Luke 4:42-43)

I can understand why the people did not want Jesus to leave. He laid his hands on the people, sick with various diseases, and every one of them was cured. He drove out demons, he even rebuked the fever of Simon’s mother-in-law and it left her. How beautiful it would be for Jesus to come to the hospital and lay his hands on each and every child and cure them of all their various diseases and heal all of those who have been injured. How awesome it would be that I no longer have a job because Jesus cured all the children of their cancer.

It is so hard to let go of those that we love especially those that have helped us heal. There is so much gratitude for their help. I see this all the time at the hospital. The families are so grateful for the care their child received and often thank the doctor for curing their child. Most of the doctors I work with realize that it was God’s grace that healed the child and that God was only using them as an instrument of His grace. Several years ago, a woman that I know, wrote a song that was inspired by a priest who her family had gotten very close to. She wrote it after he was reassigned to another parish. Here are some of the lyrics, why does he have to go? A father he has been to us, he’s won our love, he’s gained our trust, we fear to be apart. But what if Jesus stayed in just one town, think of all the lost who would have never been found.

God has brought several priests into my life that have helped me on my journey of healing. They have had a profound effect on my life. They have walked with me through my pain, they have helped me grow closer to God, deepen my prayer life and to trust again. They have taught me the beauty of the Catholic Church and the grace of the Sacraments. Some walked with me through my mother’s illness and death. Some have anointed me and my son when we were ill. Fr. Stephen is my son’s Confirmation sponsor and he also convalidated my marriage and gave my other son, his first Holy Communion. They have counseled my husband and me when we were having struggles in our marriage. They weren’t just acquaintances; they knew the depth of my heart (the good and the sinful) and loved me anyway. Many of them have been reassigned to other parishes and I had to learn to let them go. One of the priests, Fr. Jason, played that song for me when I was torn about letting another priest go. The following year he was reassigned and I’ve had to let him go as well. I played that song again and reminded myself that they are here to spread the good news to many, not just a few. I pray that they will have the same profound effect on many, many people so that others can see the love of Christ that they showed me and my family. 

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