Saturday, April 13, 2013

God Provides

 “Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed them to those who were reclining, and also as much of the fish as they wanted.”  (John 6:11) 

Yesterday’s gospel was about the multiplication of the loaves. Jesus fed 5,000 with five barley loaves and two fish. He took all that he had and offered it up to his Father. He gave thanks and then gave what he had to the people and it was more than enough. God is capable of fulfilling all of our needs both physical and spiritual. I attended a concert last night that benefited the Mid Cities Pregnancy Center. This organization has been offering hope to pregnant women for 28 years and has saved over 25,000 babies from being aborted. The woman who has been the head of the organization for the past 25 years got up and spoke. Their whole mission is built on the foundation of Jesus Christ. She said that Jesus is the one who helps these women to have a change of heart and that it is Jesus who heals the wounds of abortion. The staff at the center speak the Truth and tell women and men the truth about conception and the gift of life. All their care is free. They provide sonograms so that the woman can see that her baby is truly alive, not an “it”. They support the woman throughout the pregnancy. They don’t judge her, they love her with the heart of Christ.

And while they have saved over 25,000 babies, more than 75,000 women have entered their doors over the years. So they continue His work, defending the most vulnerable. They don’t judge the women who leave and they continue to pray for them. They offer post-abortion care to the women and men whose lives have been damaged by their decision to kill their child. They know that these women and men will have deep wounds that only Christ can heal and so they welcome them with open arms. They are His hands and feet. God has provided this organization with the means to offer these services free of charge. They have put their trust in Him, the giver of life, and He provides. 

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