Monday, April 22, 2013

Life More Abundantly

“I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10)

God not only wants us to live our life, but he sent his Son so that we may live it fully. At times we may feel that when we do things our way that we are living in freedom but the reality is that our selfishness keeps us in chains. We can be slaves to the world or choose to be a servant of the Lord. God desires only what is good for us and sent his Son to set us free. To live abundantly means to allow Christ to ignite our hearts with his love. Christ awakened my soul nine years ago. I didn’t realize that a part of me was numb inside until Christ entered my life and I began to experience true love that only comes from God. His love has set my heart on fire for Him and has given me the courage to step out in faith instead of living in fear. It has awakened a hunger in me to know him and to please him. He has opened my eyes and I now see His beauty all around me. And he has placed a tenderness in my heart to comfort the sick and dying.

To truly live encompasses all sorts of emotions, you are able to love more deeply and experience great joy but also great sorrow. When you love someone and they are taken from you of course your heart is going to hurt, but even in our sorrow we feel His presence. When we live abundantly we are sustained by God’s promise even in our darkest, most painful moments and it is this hope that keeps us from falling into despair. We all have a longing in our hearts to know God and if we allow this longing to draw us closer to Him instead of trying to fill it with the things of this world or trying to block it out with all the noise and distractions that bombard us, the more of His love we will experience. We will align ourselves with the Truth and be empowered to boldly live a life worthy of Christ.

“What God’s long for us to do is to live in the truth Jesus reveals. This means believing in God’s absolute, unconditional love in a way that transforms our attitudes and whole approach to life.”  ~ Sister Ruth Burrows, O.C.D.

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