Wednesday, April 10, 2013

God So Loved the World

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.”  (John 3:16-17)

God created us out of love to share in the perfect love that is poured out between the Father and the Son and from which the Holy Spirit flows. But through disobedience man brought darkness and evil upon the world. But God never stopped loving us. He continually tried to re-establish his covenant with man but throughout history we have turned our back on Him. In order to put an end to death and make possible once again eternal life with Him, he sent his Son into the world. For those who believe in his Son and live the Truth, the crown of glory awaits them.

His Son took on our humanity, he took our sin and he bore our shame. He embraced every insult, every betrayal, every injury, lie, hatred, fear and all the evil he encountered and made them his own and changed them for us. He has turned suffering into something that redeems and can lead to healing. We can find joy in our suffering and take comfort in knowing that Christ is with us in our suffering.

“By having taken the weakness of our nature, he has made it our strength. Now, if we set out to bear one another’s burdens, we know that however heavy they are, however hard to us, Christ has already bore them, and bears them now with us.”  ~ Caryll Houselander

He sent his Son into the world and he remains with us until the end of time. God loves the world, he loves mankind who he created in his image. He continually draws us to himself and desires for us to prefer the light of truth over the darkness of sin. But we must choose to live in his light. His hand is in everything and his love is never ending.

“He took our sin, he bore our shame, he rose to life, he defeated the grave. A love like this the world has never known.” Lyrics from Jesus, Son of God by Chris Tomlin

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