It is comforting for me to know that God has called me by name. That He knew me before I was even formed in my mother’s womb. Through my childhood he was “arming me” to be a soldier of Christ even though I had no idea what he was doing behind the scenes. I never felt his presence growing up. I knew of him but I didn’t know Him. As an adult I can look back and see where he was present throughout my life especially during the dark moments when I felt so alone.
God is God whether we chose to believe in Him or not. He is God whether we choose to follow him or not. One of the deacons from our parish spoke at the beginning of RCIA last week and during his introduction the person mentioned the deacon wanting to be a deacon and he said, “No I didn’t, He wanted me to be a deacon.” And he looked up toward heaven. I had to smile because so often that is true. God has plans for us that include things we never desired or dreamed of happening. If we can trust that God is with us always, he can use everything for his glory. I see this so vividly at the hospital. Some of the things these families have to endure are almost unbearable. And often their child having cancer isn’t the worst thing they have to deal with. But those that believe in God are able to find strength and peace in the midst of the storms. They are a beautiful witness to the glory of God and to the love that God has for each one of us.
One family who never thought they would be able to step foot in the hospital again after their daughter died, comes back every couple of months with boxes of gifts for the prize closet in our clinic and for the Child Life Specialists to wrap for birthday gifts when a child has to spend it in the hospital. Throughout the year the family will host events in their home town in memory of their daughter and that is where the gifts come from. A group of families whose child died from cancer formed an organization called Camp Sol that offers support for other families dealing with the death of a child. It supports the whole family; their mission is to “heal the family heart.” These are just a few examples of how God can turn a tragedy into an opportunity to offer love and support to others in this world that are hurting. We all have the choice to allow our trials to beat us down and leave us bitter or to turn them into a moment of grace and allow God to lead us to things that we could never imagine.
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