Thursday, October 27, 2011

God’s Longing

“What God longs for us to do is to live in the truth Jesus reveals. This means believing in God’s absolute, unconditional love in a way that transforms our attitudes and whole approach to life.”  ~ Sister Ruth Burrows, O.C.D.

It takes effort on our part to come to this place of knowledge, the truth that Jesus reveals to us. Sr. Ruth asks, “What can be more important for a disciple than constantly to reflect on the truth of God, on this unspeakable, incredible love with which we are encompassed?” We need to make time for God each and every day. We need to find a place free from distractions (a friend once told me when her children were little she would sneak into her closet for a few quiet moments alone with God while her kids were watching TV). We need to quiet ourselves and allow ourselves to receive his love. If we don’t make time for him, than we will wither. Without the nourishment of God’s love we will starve.

All that we are comes from the Lord; if we don’t make ourselves available to our “source” then we will no longer continue to exist. We need to be present to God even if we don’t “feel” him or see any changes in ourselves. During that period a few weeks ago when God was silent, I had to encourage myself to continue to lean into him. Deep down I knew he was present but at times his silence was deafening. I wanted him to speak to me. But his silence didn’t mean he wasn’t there. I had to be more patient than I like to be and I had to be still when I wanted to kick and scream. At times I feel like this journey is so hard but I really would rather have it this way than to be lukewarm in my faith, to be indifferent to what God is calling me to do or to have a shallow relationship with him.

Lord, I often don’t understand your ways. You are beyond my comprehension. Give me insight to observe your teachings and avert my eyes from the enticements of worldly treasures. May your praise be forever on my lips and may I continually seek you, my source of spiritual nourishment. Help me to be steadfast and undisturbed in times of adversity and continually seek your face. Amen.

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