Sunday, October 30, 2011

Priesthood Sunday

Today is Priesthood Sunday. Pope Benedict XVI established the “Year for Priests” that was celebrated June 19, 2009 - June 11, 2010. Magnificat put out a beautiful Companion that included these four main sections: Novena in Honor of the Priesthood, Meditations, Essays and Devotions. The following devotion was in this Companion and I think it beautifully expresses the priesthood. I give thanks for all the priests who bring Christ to the world and especially those who have personally touched my life.

 “To live in the midst of the world
with no desire for its pleasure…
To be a member of every family yet belonging to none…
To share all sufferings; to penetrate all secrets;
to heal all wounds…
To daily go from men to God to offer Him their petitions…
To return from God to men to offer them His hope…
To have a heart of fire for charity and
a heart of bronze for chastity…
To bless and be blest forever, O God,
what a life and it is yours,
O Priest of Jesus Christ!”

Father Henri Dominique Lacordaire, O.P.

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