Sunday, June 17, 2012


“Christ speaks to us in parables because reality itself is a parable. The parable does not approach our experience of the world from without; on the contrary, it is the parable that gives this experience proper depth and reveals what is hidden in things themselves.”  (Pope Benedict XVI) When we “walk by faith, not by sight” the hidden depths of things become apparent. ~ Magnificat

Parables illustrate some universal truth but they also have some mystery requiring us to delve deeper. Parables were a key part of the teachings of Jesus and often conveyed a deep and central teaching to how we are to live a Christian life. Jesus used images and characters of everyday life to illustrate his message. He used these illustrations to reach the heart of his listeners through their imagination. His parables challenged the mind to discover what God is like and moved the heart to make a response to God’s love and truth. Delving into the mystery allows us to find the treasure that is waiting to be discovered.  If we accept this challenge then we will enter into a deeper relationship with Christ.

Jesus spoke parables to the people of his time but parables speak of timeless realities that we can relate to and they touch the hearts of all mankind if we have “eyes to see” and “ears to hear.” Our hearts need to be open to Jesus’ teachings. God can only reveal the secrets of his kingdom to the humble and trusting person who acknowledges the need for God and for His truth. The parables of Jesus will enlighten us if we approach them with an open mind and heart, ready to let them challenge us. As with scripture, each parable can reveal something new to us at different times in our lives. When we read these parables or hear them during Mass, let us open our hearts and allow the Holy Spirit to use these messages of Christ to stir up a deeper hunger in our souls so that we can grow deeper in our love and understanding of our Savior. 

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