Sunday, June 3, 2012

Trinitarian Love

“Faith in the Trinity rests on God’s revelation of himself in the economy of salvation. We do not have access to the Trinity outside what God revealed to us by sending his own Son and giving us his Holy Spirit. The revelation of the Trinity is accomplished by the coming of God himself into human history: ‘God so loved the world that he gave his only Son.’ God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. In these events God himself comes. God is not only at the origin of these events but he also gives himself in them.”  (Fr. Gilles Emery, O.P.)

The mystery of the Trinity is the foundation of our faith. It is through this constant outpouring of love between the Father and Son from which the Holy Spirit is poured forth. This love is perfect and God was in need of nothing else. But God is love and it is from this love that we were created. Not only created, but made in his image and likeness. Through our baptism, the Holy Trinity makes a permanent indwelling in our soul and provides every grace necessary to live a life of faith. This sacrament allows us access to the inner life of God Himself: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The beautiful mystery of the Trinity will always remain just that, a mystery, to us. During his homily today, the priest pointed out that we can become frustrated by the fact that we will never understand it or we can embrace it, knowing that as we seek to understand it, we will draw closer to God. I have found that as I learn more about God through his revelation to me that my desire for him grows. I know that we will never comprehend the magnitude or awesomeness of God, which is a good thing. If we could understand everything about him then he wouldn’t be God. During Biblical School, there would be homework questions that required us to delve deeper into scripture to find the answer or to ponder how God has worked some way in my own life. Answering the question was often just the “tip of the iceberg” so to speak. Sometimes I would spend an hour on one question because my desire to know and experience God in a more profound way had been stirred up inside me and I love that. I find it incredible that the more we know about God the more we realize that there is so much that we don’t know about Him. This holy longing for our creator is in each one of us. God touches our lives with this Trinitarian love as God the Father, God the Son, by being united with Christ and infused with God the Holy Spirit. May each of us embrace this love and receive the gift that God gives to each of us, Himself. 

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