Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Eucharist

"Holy Communion communicates grace to us according to our disposition. The more desire and hunger we arouse in ourselves for this holy Bread, the more fruit we receive from the sacrament. Jesus' love for us was such that after he had ascended into heaven he would find a means whereby he could still remain amongst us with a real, true, and substantial presence."     Father M. Raphael Simon

What a gift we have in the sacrament of Holy Communion. God's love for us is so great that he wanted us to have a tangible way to receive him each and every day either during Mass or spending time in Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. This grace is always there but we have to desire it. We have to make the effort to attend daily Mass or to spend time in Adoration in order to receive this grace.

So often I am too busy to take a little more time to spend with our Lord. I am anxious about the things going on in my life, yet spending more time with our Lord and placing all these things at His feet is exactly what I need. I need to trust that all things can be made perfect through Him; a cross can become a sign of hope, a death can bring about forgiveness and healing. This gift of the Eucharist is available to us daily, we just have to be willing to receive it.

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