Saturday, June 25, 2011

Psalm 40- Gratitude and Prayer

“I waited, waited for the LORD; who bent down and heard my cry,drew me out of the pit of destruction, out of the mud of the swamp, set my feet upon rock, steadied my steps, and put a new song in my mouth, a hymn to our God. Many shall look on in awe and they shall trust in the LORD.” (40:2-4)

The Lord bent down and heard my cry but I wasn’t waiting for him to come. I didn’t know I should be waiting for him. I was in the darkness of my sin, my pain and my fear. I was crying out, maybe a part of me knew he was out there somewhere. I didn’t know God. I didn’t know he was calling me to come to him.
But I am so thankful that he heard my cry. He put my feet upon rock, the rock of his Church, instead of me being in quicksand.

He put a new song in my mouth. I want to shout from the rooftops what God has done for me! I want to endlessly praise him! I want to be an example to others, to do the work God has planned for me. I have a purpose in life. I am called to spread the Good News. This world isn’t about just waiting until we get to heaven. This world is not just a place of suffering that we have to endure. Heaven is here on earth!

“How numerous, O LORD, my God, you have made your wondrous deeds…too many to recount.” (40:6)

God created this world and all the beauty within it. We have to open our eyes. We have to help others see the beauty. Even in our suffering we can see God in the touch of another’s hand, their strong hugs, and their words of encouragement. We are called to reach out to the sick and the lowly, allow them to see the hand of God through our love. “Avoid not those who weep, but mourn with those who mourn; neglect not to visit the sick- for these things you will be loved.” (Sirach 7:34-35) 

Love is sacrifice, it is self-giving. We need to give of ourselves, not so we can get something in return but because that is what love is. Christ shows us how to love. He worked, prayed and lived for others. We need to die unto ourselves! Be rid of our selfish desires, the grudges we hold on to, the hurts we can’t forgive!
God has blessed me abundantly! Not because of anything I have done but because he loves me. It is only through his love and grace that I am worthy.

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, Your words are uplifting, honest and give all the glory to God. Thank you for sharing yourself, your heart.

    I love you
