Saturday, November 19, 2011

God Knows What We Need

I went to Confession today. After confessing my sins, the priest began to tell me how we are sometimes caught up in infatuation or pleasures of this world and what we are really seeking is God. He went on to say that at times we may feel that we are all alone but God is always with us. His words were beautiful but they didn’t have anything to do with the sins that I confessed so I was a little baffled why he chose these words.
While I was doing my penance, meditating on the Cross, his words echoed in my head. God was there in the confessional and he placed those words on the priest’s lips because I needed to hear them. I do try to fill this hole in my heart with the love of others and at times I feel all alone. The priest reminded me how much God loves me and that he will never abandon me. As I was meditating on the Cross, the words from a song by Sidewalk Prophets, You Loved Me Anyway, kept playing in my head.

I am the thorn in your crown but you loved me anyway; I am the sweat from your brow but you loved me anyway; I am the nail in your wrist but you loved me anyway; I am Judas’ kiss but you loved me anyway.”

 Christ loves us no matter what we do. He was thinking of each one of us when he died upon the Cross. He bore our sins so that we may have eternal life. The joy that I feel after Confession, knowing that my sins have been cast as far as the east is from the west, is the result of his death on the Cross.

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the Cross and for loving me that much. Help me to always have before me the image of the Cross, especially during times of temptation, so that I may allow your grace to pour over me and give me the strength to turn away from sin. I ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.  Amen

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