Wednesday, November 16, 2011

He Gives and He Takes Away

"The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD!” (Job 1:21)

During Mass this morning Fr. Jason was talking about love and letting things go. The servants in the gospel parable that doubled their gold coins were able to do this because they were willing to give them away. And the servant who held onto his coin out of fear had even that taken away. The love that we receive from God is not for us to keep, it is to be given away. When we do things out of love God is constantly renewing us so that we don’t grow weary. I know when my heart is in the right place that I can give so much more of myself.

Fr. Jason had a beautiful imagery of love using the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea. Both bodies of water receive water from above. The Sea of Galilee is full of life and the banks are lush with grass and trees along them. But the Dead Sea has no life; the land around it is barren. The only difference is that the Sea of Galilee gives her water away. The Jordan River flows from it. The same hold true for us. When we give our love away then our lives are full and there is much beauty in it. But if we don’t love, out of fear or for whatever reason, then we are lifeless.

Fr. Jason has been reassigned to a new parish in Corsicana in 2 weeks. So we all have to deal with this loss. Not only will we miss him but he will also miss us. Goodbyes are never easy when it is someone you love that is leaving. But God is calling his faithful servant to spread the Good News elsewhere. Fr. Jason has shown God that he is faithful in small matters and is being given the opportunity to be faithful in great matters.  

“Well done my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share your master’s joy.” (Matthew 25:21)

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