Saturday, November 5, 2011

Trustworthy in All Matters

The person who is trustworthy in very small matters is also trustworthy in great ones; and the person who is dishonest in very small matters is also dishonest in great ones.” (Luke 16:10)

Trust is necessary in every relationship and if it isn’t there then the relationship isn’t one of mutual respect. Throughout each day we put our trust in others, often times it is regarding little matters but sometimes they are great ones. Each day families bring their sick children to the hospital and place them in our care. They trust us with their precious child. When we go to confession we trust that the priest will honor his vow of silence. These are great responsibilities that are given to us and if we break that trust in these great matters we can devastate lives.

Learning to trust others has been one of the hardest things for me to do. For so long I was determined that no one would ever get close enough to me to hurt me like I was as a child. But that mindset caused me to be distant and afraid. I had a hardness about me and I was very lonely. But God wanted so much more for me. Through my healing I have learned to trust others. It has been a slow process. If someone broke my trust even in small matters I would shut down again, and tell myself, “I told you that you can’t trust anyone!” But slowly I have put myself out there and am willing to be vulnerable because that is what you have to do in order to love. I know throughout my life my love will be rejected at times, but I won’t allow it to break me anymore. 

We are all human and we all break the trust others have in us at some point in our lives. Hopefully it is a small matter and the trust can be renewed once we ask for forgiveness. Trust can also be rebuilt for even the greatest of offenses but God needs to be in the midst of it. It is by his example that we know how to love and how to forgive. I know that God is the source of all Truth and that I can always put my trust in him. I never knew how much hope, love and trust were intertwined. I have learned the meaning of true love now that I have opened my heart. I’ve experienced true joy and peace, things I never knew before and I am hopeful.

“The LORD’s promise is tried and true; he is a shield for all who trust in him.” (Psalm 18:31)

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