Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Epiphany of the Lord

“If what we venerate as something believed we also take on to be imitated…There appear to those of an upright heart in one the same Person both human lowliness and divine majesty. Whom the cradle shows to be an Infant, heaven and heavenly things call their Maker…He who is encompassed by no limits is held in the arms of his Mother. But it is in these things that the healing of our wounds and the rising up of our abasement rest, for, unless such diversity had come together as one, human nature could not be reconciled to God.”  ~ St. Leo the Great

God made himself visible to all mankind through Jesus Christ. The magi recognize that the Messiah has been born and want to pay him homage. They were “overjoyed at seeing the star, and on entering the house they saw the child with Mary his mother. They prostrated themselves and did him homage.” (Matthew 2: 10-11) The magi were different after their encounter with Christ. This is the respond that God would like from all mankind; to recognize this beautiful gift he has given us. He wants us to be overjoyed when we encounter his Son and at the same time not forget his divine majesty. Just as the magi sought the Christ child, we are called to continually seek Him. Our hearts will always be hungry for God and we shouldn’t be discouraged by this but instead rejoice. It is this hunger that draws us closer to him and the closer we get to him the more we want to know him. How often have we wanted things in our lives, whether it is material things or a person’s affection or acknowledgment, and as soon as we obtain whatever it is we desire we are let down or quickly tire of it? The reason we are let down is because this thing or person can’t fill that longing in our heart. It is God’s affection that we truly desire and we will never be disappointed when that is what we seek. 

Heavenly Father, Help me to keep my eyes on the light that leads me to you just as the magi did. Help me to always be overjoyed at the many ways that you manifest yourself in my life each and every day. Keep this desire to know you always burning in my heart and give me the wisdom to avoid the things of this world that try to extinguish this fire. I ask these things through your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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