Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sharing the Good News

In the Gospel readings this week John the Baptist is leading others to Christ. He wants no fanfare or glory, it is all about Christ. He tells them that he is not worthy to untie Jesus’ sandal straps. So great is the One to come that even a prophet of God is not worthy to untie his sandals. This illustration carries great power. Among the many tasks that a first century slave performed for his master was removing the sandals from the master’s feet. John’s statement highlights the difference between human beings, even great ones, and the One to come. It is not that untying sandals is too demeaning for the prophet; it is that he is not worthy to be that close to the Messiah. 

In today’s Gospel, John the Baptist again announces Jesus’ presence, “Behold, the Lamb of God.”  Here is this person that John has been preaching about so two of his disciples follow Jesus. Andrew and the other disciple stayed with Jesus for the day and I am sure learned many things. Andrew wanted to share with his brother what had happened that day so he brought him to Jesus. Sometimes it is too hard to explain something to someone. Sometimes you just have to take them to the source so they can experience it themselves. This is how it was with Andrew and his brother. “He (Andrew) led his brother to the very source of light, and with such great haste and joy that he (Simon Peter) did not hesitate for an instant to go there.” ~ St. John Chrysostom

Sometimes I am just as enthusiastic as Andrew was to share with others how God is working in my life. I want to shout from the rooftops the Good News. But most of the time I hope that others experience the love of Christ through my actions. Our actions speak louder than words but maybe I need to verbally express my gratitude and love for God more often. 

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