Thursday, January 19, 2012

Peaceful Resolutions

In today’s reading Saul is jealous of David. Not because David got all of the attention but because David got more attention. The women came to meet King Saul and were singing and dancing. They praised Saul for the thousands he has slain and also praised David causing Saul to become angry and resentful.

How often does this same emotion rise up in us? How often am I jealous of the attention or affection that someone shows another instead of me? Why am I so easily hurt when someone doesn’t affirm me when I want them to? How quickly I become angry and resentful, just as Saul did. Our emotions are neither right or wrong, what we do with them though may lead us to sin. Saul was so jealous of David that he wanted to kill him! When our emotions get out of control like Saul’s did, we need someone to help us deal with them. What a gift Jonathan was for his father, Saul. He stepped in and reminded Saul that what he was planning was sinful and that David committed no offense against him. Jonathan did this in a loving and gentle way. If we try to intercede like Jonathan did, we must also do it in a loving manner. If we approach the person in a judgmental way then they will immediately get defensive and will not hear a thing we are saying.

Jonathan also protects David from harm. He is a true friend to David. And David does not allow this incident to change him; he continues to serve Saul as he had done before. He wasn’t resentful or angry at Saul for what he planned to do in his fit of rage. This is such a beautiful example of how we can take a situation that is moving in the wrong direction very swiftly, and could end in a harmful outcome for all involved, and make something beautiful out of it. If we were to live as Jonathan did, this world would be a much more peaceful place.

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