Sunday, January 1, 2012

Re-establishing Balance

Today is the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Holy Mother of God. I always seem to struggle a little with my meditations when it is a day that the Church focuses on Mary and today was no different. As I did Morning Prayer and then read the readings and Gospel for today I had trouble putting on paper a meditation for today. My mind seemed to be all over the place but there were a few words from the meditation in Magnificat today that struck me.

 Jesus achieved in a perfect manner the Reign of God in his humanity, because he had no human ego. He re-established the balance upset by the excess of self. ~ Fr. Maurice Zundel

When God created Adam and Eve the world was in perfect balance. There was no need for the Incarnation because the love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit was perfect and from that perfect love man was created. It was the human ego, the excess of self, that disrupted this perfect balance and sin was introduced into the world. The only way to put things back in order was for God to send his Son for the forgiveness of sin of all mankind, once and for all. Mary’s mission required full cooperation. There was no room for human ego. “Let it be done to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38)

Throughout the day my “excess self” interferes with God’s perfect love. A judgmental thought runs through my mind; jealousy rises up in me when I am passed over; a mean thought crosses my mind and I may or may not hold my tongue. Every day is a struggle to deny myself. Sometimes I get frustrated by it all; frustrated at myself for not being more Christ-like. But if I take a moment to sit with it before God, I realize that these moments throughout the day help to keep me focused on Christ. They are reminders that every day I need to choose God. They are reminders that there is more work to be done and that it is only with God’s grace that His will is done. 

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