Friday, September 9, 2011

Enlighten Me

Today’s gospel asks, “Can a blind person guide a blind person?” And it ends telling us to remove the wooden beam from our own eye first, so that we can see clearly. I don’t need to worry about what others are doing. Often times we focus on other’s faults so that we don’t have to look at ourselves. It is through prayer that God sheds light on the areas of our lives that need healing. It is when we sit before him that he provides us with the gift of self-awareness. He sheds light on the dark places that we often don’t want to believe that we possess. When we acknowledge our sins and failings, it is then that we receive the grace to overcome them. God is the one who opens the eyes of the blind.

Lord, I humbly approach your throne and ask you to reveal to me, with your gentle compassion, the areas in my life that need to be purified. You know how difficult it is for me to look at the darkness in my heart. Give me the courage to not cower when you enlighten me through prayer to the things that need to change. You are full of gentleness and compassion, so let me, in confidence, ask for your forgiveness.

I love the words to the song, Clean Hands, and sing them often when I am tempted by the things of this world. I long to seek His face and be free of the things that keep me blind.

“We bow our hearts, we bend our knees. Oh Spirit, come make us humble. We turn our eyes from evil things. Oh Lord, we cast down our idols. So give us clean hands, give us pure hearts. Let us not lift our souls to another. Oh God, let us be a generation that seeks, seeks Your face, Oh God of Jacob.”

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