Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Generosity of God

Jesus tells us that the kingdom of heaven is like the landowner in today's gospel. The love of heaven takes the initiative in seeking us out. The love of heaven chooses us despite our utter unworthiness. And the love of heaven is lavish in its self-gift to us. To love the kingdom of heaven is to love this landowner and the way he acts. The temptation is for us to measure our life and ‘the way things should be’ by a standard at odds with God. ~  Magnificat

Scripture tells us, “seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” God loves us so much and wants to have an intimate relationship with each of us. He seeks us out just as the Shepherd goes after the lost sheep. “He reached down from on high and seized me; drew me out of the deep water… He rescued me because he loves me.” (Psalm 18:17, 20) This Psalm is a constant reminder to me how God sought me out and rescued me from the depth of my darkness and fear. Just as the landowner goes out 5 times seeking laborers, God repeatedly seeks us out.

God is so loving and generous. His generosity is beyond our comprehension. I know I have been guilty of thinking that God is unfair; believing that others are given gifts that they don’t deserve. I want to remind God of what that person has done and why they don't deserve it. I should rejoice at God’s generosity to others because I know he has done the same for me but sometimes my pride and arrogance get in the way. The same reward was given to all the laborers in order that those who have sweated with much labor, without receiving more than the last, might understand that they received a gift of grace, not a reward of work. (St. Prosper)

Lord, help me to be more generous. Burn away my selfish desires. Your love and generosity are incomprehensible. How crazy for me to think that you would think like I do instead of with your greatness. How often I bring you down to my level, wanting you to do things my way instead of trusting in your perfect plan. When I am weary from the labors of this life help me to persevere, knowing that you will give me the grace to continue your work here on earth. Help me to seek out those in need of love and be generous in giving of myself. We will all receive the same reward in the end, the crown of life, when we enter into your heavenly kingdom.  

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