Saturday, March 3, 2012

Be Perfect

Jesus tells us, “So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.”  (Matthew 5:48) Jesus’ command in today’s gospel is such a hard thing for me to do. We are called to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. How can I love those who have hurt me? I have to look past the hurt and into the heart of that person. In each one of us there is good and when I choose to look beyond the hurt and find the good in them then love can grow. And, yes, it is a choice. It is up to me to reach out, to turn the other cheek. So often the pain turns my heart into stone. I refuse to budge. I tell myself that I did nothing wrong and it is up to them to try and make amends. But this makes me no better than the tax collectors and pagans. Why does Christ so often reach out to the sinner? Why did he come to the defense of the woman caught in adultery? So often we judge others, especially their sins. We somehow think their sins are worse than ours. So often we hear people complaining, we all know what they are against but do we ever know what they are for? We see the hatred but do we ever see love? “Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7)

All sin comes from our wounded and broken self. Instead of judging the wounded, we need to reach out to them and show them the love that they need to receive. Jesus took the initiative and reached out in love and it was always a gift, he wasn’t looking for something in return. But when we receive true love, the love of Christ that is pure and good, there is always going to be a response. Our heart can’t keep from swelling and growing. It wants to pour out that same perfect love that we receive from our heavenly Father to those around us especially those that are hurting and in need of His love. And in that way we are perfect.  

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