Thursday, March 22, 2012

Receive His Gift

Our Lord, Jesus Christ is always present to us and he longs for us to desire him. No matter how far we stray or how many times we stumble and fall, the Lord’s love for us is unwavering. Whenever anyone seeks him, he is freely admitted to the presence of the Savior. It is a gift that he gives freely. We don’t have to earn it. We don’t have to clean our act up before we approach him. I think he prefers us to come to him battered and bruised. It shows that we trust him and are willing to be vulnerable to him. Often times my bruises are self-inflicted from struggling with him. And when I finally quit struggling, when I grow weary of trying to do things my way, I bow before him. I seek the Divine Healer and bring to him my brokenness, knowing that he will bind up my wounds.

Christ is present for all those who thirst, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.” (John 7:37) Only he provides for us this life-giving water. His word is always present to enlighten the mind of those who desire it. His teachings are sometimes hard but they are given to us out of love. They aren’t spoken to us harshly but with the love of a father, our Father, to his beloved sons and daughters. God longs to gather us into himself. He wants us to realize that each and every one of us was created for a special purpose, not of this world but of God’s desire. Before we were even conceived in our mother’s womb God consecrated us and we’ve been called to walk in his light.

Where are the places in my life that I’ve strayed? What things of this world have I poured my energy into that only lead me to sin and darkness? These are the things I must reflect on and look at honestly. Christ is here with me in that darkness, I just have to turn my face to him, nothing else. In his presence I will receive the grace that I need to get back on the path that leads me to holiness. He won’t come in and fix everything but will help me to make things right according to his plan. The work is hard but there is nothing that is worth more than being where God created me to be, in his presence.

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