Friday, March 30, 2012

For the Healing of the World

“No man’s cross is laid upon him for himself alone, but for the healing of the whole world.”  Caryll Houselander goes on to say that when we receive the cross that is laid upon us, we receive Christ. “He gives us his hands to take hold of, his power to make it a redeeming thing, a blessed thing, his life to cause it to flower, his heart to enable us to rejoice in accepting our own and one another’s burdens.”

During our Parish Mission this week, the speaker talked about being Christ to all those that cross our paths. He reminded us that life is messy and hard, it is full of heartache and joy, and we are called to share in this with one another. Oftentimes our fear gets in our way. We worry that we are going to say the wrong thing to someone who is hurting so we say nothing at all. We don’t want to offend anyone so instead of standing up for what we believe in, we stand for nothing and become cowards. When we’ve been wounded by someone we love and trust, we want to draw into ourselves and not make ourselves vulnerable again. But that fear just keeps us bound up in chains.

There is no way to really understand suffering. Why does one family experience so much death while another goes unscathed? How is it that two children have the same diagnosis but one will live and the other one dies? Why are people hated just because of the color of their skin or their religious belief? The sufferings in this world are innumerable and there is so much that we aren’t even aware of. We are often overwhelmed by the suffering in our own life but scripture reminds us that God doesn’t give us more that we can handle. That is, if we allow him and others to share in our suffering. Christ died to heal the world from sin and death and as Christians we are called to do the same. “Avoid not those who weep, but mourn with those who mourn; neglect not to visit the sick, for these things you will be loved.” (Sirach 7:34-35)

As we prepare to move into Holy Week, we see the hatred toward Christ mounting. In the gospel readings we hear how the gathered up stones to stone him, and they plot to kill him. But Christ faces this without fear. He is confident of his Father’s love and obedient to his Father’s will. Heavenly Father, help me to accept my cross with the same obedience as your son, help me to trust in your perfect plan. I know one day I will see all things with your eyes and will understand the reasons for the crosses you have laid upon me. Help me see the redemptive power of my suffering for the healing of this world. Amen.

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