Sunday, December 4, 2011

Ready the Way

"Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.” (Mark 1:3)

 How am I preparing the way of the Lord in my own life? Am I making the path of the Lord straight or have I put up obstacles that make it more difficult for him to be present in my life? Are the obstacles placed there out of selfishness because I don’t want to Lord to be King of my heart? Would I rather hold onto my earthly treasures and worldly pleasures than give them up, even for my Savior? I know that God is a demanding God and he requires that we leave everything behind and follow Him. God wants unbridled love, no holding back. We can’t be true disciples if we are on the fence. “No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other.” (Matthew 6:24)

Are some of the obstacles there out of shame or embarrassment? I am ashamed of my sin and the darkness of my heart so I prevent him from entering. I think I can make things right before I allow him in. It is only with his grace that my sin can be washed away, yet I somehow think that I can do it on my own. I want to show him that I can be good and clean up my own mess and make things right before letting him into my life completely. But only the Lord can purify and make us holy. The only way that I can make straight the path of the Lord in my own life is by humbling myself. I need to admit that I am a sinner and that I am nothing without him. I am the leper that needs to be made clean. I cry out, Have pity on me Lord! Once I humble myself, I pray for the strength and courage to follow Him on the path of righteousness. To take what I receive from the Lord and give it to others. I want to love and serve as Jesus Christ our Savior did.

 Make straight the road, raise the valleys, and mountains make low. Turning from sin, let the broken be whole, and ready the way of the Lord. As we wait for you, give us the strength to walk in your truth, so we may love more like you and ready the way for you, Lord. Let us see your face; in our hearts we prepare a place. Come bring this world your mercy and grace, as we ready the way for you, Lord.
                                                                                     ~ Lyrics to Ready the Way by Curtis Stephan

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