Sunday, December 18, 2011

Redeem Us, O Lord

O Adonai, and leader of the house of Israel, you appeared to Moses in the flame of the abundant bush and gave him the law on Sinai: come, and with an outstretched arm, redeem us. Amen.”  ~ Antiphon for December 18th

“Adonai” is Hebrew for “my Lord” and was substituted by devout Jews for the name “Yahweh”, out of reverence. In this antiphon we see God manifesting himself by name to Moses and giving his law to Israel as their way of life. We are also reminded of the Israelites' deliverance from bondage under pharaoh - a foreshadowing of our own redemption from sin.  The image of God's arm outstretched in power to save his chosen people also brings to mind the later scene of Jesus with his arms outstretched for us on the cross.  ~ Jeanne Kun

The Lord delivered the Israelites from bondage in Egypt and led them into the desert where they were totally dependent on Him for everything. They had no food or shelter, they didn’t know where they were going and they left behind all that was familiar to them. Even when our situation is awful; whether we are being abused by a parent, or a spouse or caught up in an addiction; it is familiar to us and stepping out into the unknown can be even more frightening then the abuse. It take so much courage to reach out for help, not knowing if you will be believed or if you can trust the person you are reaching out to. Just as God delivered the Israelites from Egypt, he sent his Son that we may all be set free from the bondage of sin, whether it is our own or the sins of others. As the deacon shared his thoughts on this O Antiphon this morning in RCIA, he asked us, “What would you ask the Lord to set you free from?” and “Do you really want to be set free from that particular thing?” I know for me there are a couple of things that I struggle with and many times I really don’t want to be set free from them. I have to pray for the desire to want to be free from them because often the desire isn’t there. I have become comfortable with them and sometimes I feel that God is asking too much from me. Why can’t I have these little indulgences? I know the answer to this question but it doesn’t make it any easier. Come Lord Jesus!  

“O come, O Come, thou Lord of Might, who to thy tribes, on Sinai’s height, in ancient times didst give the law, in cloud and majesty and awe”  ~ Lyrics to O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

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