Friday, July 8, 2011

The Spirit of our Father

“When they hand you over, do not worry about how you are to speak or what you are to say. You will be given at that moment what you are to say. For it will not be you who speak but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you” (Matthew 10:19-20). Christ’s words to the Apostles should give us the same reassurance that they received, knowing that they will never be alone when they step out in faith. Jesus tells them that they will be handed over, scourged, and led before governors and kings for His sake, as a witness before them. But they need not worry because the Holy Spirit is always with them.

Sometimes God calls us to be instruments of his love and fidelity but we don’t feel capable. Surely there is someone else who can speak more eloquently or has a deeper understanding of God. Moses gave all kinds of excuses for why God should choose someone else. Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and lead the Israelites out of Egypt? What am I to tell them when they ask your name? Suppose they don’t believe me, nor listen to my plea? I have never been an eloquent speaker; I am slow of speech and tongue. But God tells him, “It is I who will assist you in speaking and will teach you what you are to say” (Exodus 4:12).

In 2010, I shared my story of God’s fidelity and mercy toward me at our High School Ministry retreat. I felt God calling me to share my story but I had some hesitation. I am terrified to speak in front of a group. My mouth goes dry; I tremble and can’t remember what I am going to say. Would I be able to tell my story without falling apart, because some of it is very painful? Would the teens even be interested? I prayed about it often as I prepared. I have a committed hour of Adoration every Wednesday night. The week of the retreat, during Adoration, I opened my bible and my eyes fell upon the following scripture, “To whom I send you, you shall go; whatever I command you, you shall speak. Have no fear before them, because I am with you to deliver you, says the LORD” (Jeremiah 1:7-8). The Holy Spirit was definitely with me. I spoke to close to 300 teens and I was calm, my mouth did not go dry, I remembered what I was going to say without any notes and the teens were attentive. God knew who was going to be on that retreat and that there were teens that have been through similar trials and needed to know they are not alone. It was a beautiful experience for me.

Prior to the beginning of each school year, the Core Team (the adult volunteers of the High School Ministry) has a day retreat to prepare themselves. My first year as a Core member, a priest facilitated the retreat. He told us that people are starving for the Truth and everyone is called to share their faith with others. He said fear is the number one thing that keeps us from evangelizing. He told us the teens are looking for 3 things; the Truth, discipline (God’s way is the only way) and friendship (the love of Christ). We need to be authentic. When we minister to others we are not to boast but to share our heartaches, our hurts, our fears, our trials and temptations, because this is who we are. Humility conquers all. God’s grace will be sufficient.

Am I prepared to do what it takes to be holy? Am I willing to go where God is leading me, trusting that he will give me the words to speak? Am I willing to be vulnerable so that others may also know Christ?

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