Thursday, July 7, 2011

Without Cost

 Jesus said to his Apostles: “As you go, make this proclamation: ‘The kingdom of God is at hand.’ Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons. Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give” (Matthew 10:7-8). 

Just like the Apostles, we receive our faith as a gift from God. No gift is given to us for ourselves. Every gift is to be shared with others. We need to be faithful to our calling as Christians, which is how we will change the world. We are called to do the work of Christ wherever we happen to be. We are precisely in our place in the world, where the Church is made present through us.  “Become what you receive” -St. Augustine.

Elizabeth Leseur states, “Our words and actions have a deeper and more far-reaching effect than we often imagine. We should never say or do anything that is evil or even indifferent, since there is no neutrality in matters of morality. Whether we intend it or not, the effects we have on others will be the reflection and expression of what we are within.”

During Lent, in Magnificat, there was a reflection on each of the Stations of the Cross. The reflection on the fifth station, Simon of  Cyrene helps Jesus to carry his cross, stated, “A seemingly insignificant and accidental act has become eternal. Simon was an average man, and when his average effort was made with Christ and for Christ, it became inextricably linked to eternity. In union with Christ there is no such thing as insignificant; in the life of Christ accidents are unknown.”

When we reach out to others in love we too can drive out demons, cure the sick and raise the dead. “Just as Christ multiplied the loaves and fishes so that all were fed, he can take the small loving things we do and multiply the healing effects beyond all knowing” (Restoring the Christian Soul by Leanne Payne, p.121). Our touch, our smile, our willingness to bite our tongue instead of lashing out; all of these simple acts can have a profound effect on others. They can turn someone's sorrow into joy, comfort a grieving soul and provide hope in the darkest moment. Allowing forgiveness to enter our hearts can raise us from the dead. We can forgive the deepest, most painful betrayals and sins against us because we too have grievously sinned against others and have been forgiven through Christ’s blood.

Heavenly Father,
Help me to live as you have called me to live, to give without cost. Help me to love with no strings attached, with a pure and selfless heart. Amen.

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