Monday, August 22, 2011

The Queenship of Mary

I have learned a lot since beginning my blog. Knowing that others are going to read it increases my desire to delve deeper into my faith. To spend more time in reflection and to discern what it is that God is revealing to me. The daily gospel or reading often reminds me of other passages in scripture that help to pull it all together. I use my Magnificat when reading the daily scripture selected for Mass. In the Magnificat I learn about the saints. I never grew up learning about the saints so I don’t know much about any of them and it is not natural for me to look to them for guidance or intercessory prayer. I am also learning about feast days that I never knew about. I never knew there was a Memorial for The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary but that is what today is.

“Mary has a right to be loved as Queen of all hearts so that, through her, hearts would be cleansed and themselves become immaculate, similar and like unto her own heart, and so worthy of union with God. A queen enjoys full power, even with regard to the king. Mary’s fullness of power is expressed in her intercession for us and her meditation of graces, so that we receive all personal graces from God.” (Saint Maximilian Kolbe)

After reading this quote I began to do a little research on St. Maximilian Kolbe and got a deeper understanding of our Blessed Mother. God knows the longing in my heart to have a relationship with Mary. To have a spark ignited in my heart so that I will desire to reach out to her, to pray to her for intercession and to look to her as the ultimate example of humility. I patiently wait for God’s hand in this and in the meantime continue to pray the Rosary and read other’s reflections on Mary to have a deeper understanding of her role in salvation history. I love this picture of Blessed John Paul II in the arms of our Mother, Mary and long to have a love for Mary just as he did. 

Immaculate Mary, your praises we sing. You reign now in splendor with Jesus our King. Ave, Ave, Ave Maria. Ave, Ave, Maria.

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